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Our Latest Health Alert

Bi-Weekly Health Alert

Mental Attitude:

Challenge yourself to learn something new today. Something you have always wanted to try, but just have not. For example I am learning hobby electronics, which was a passion when I was a kid. The challenge can inspire you. It also gets you away from day to day sleep walking of watching TV or the day to day chores.

Health Alert:

When shoveling snow, take a break! It is tempting to get it all done as fast as you can, but the physical stress on your body is tremendous. Set your cell phone on a 30 minute timer and just stop for a minute or two, to allow your body to recover.


Here is a great recipe for a snack that is different:

Chili Cucumber Snack:
Cucumber, Lemon Juice, olive oil, salt and pepper and chili powder on top.  Mix and enjoy!


Balance postures are a great way to strengthen your nervous system, one that is simple but extremely effective is below:

Hold this for as long as you can, and time yourself to see if you can improve it the next time


Know someone who is fearful of chiropractic because of a disease they have been diagnosed with? Have them consult with us. It is free to talk to any of us. There are many people who have been told wrong information on what can be done for them.


Having trouble being regular with chiropractic? Many times life gets in the way of good intentions. We have found that if you pick a part of the month, let’s say the first Monday of the month, it is much easier to remember and therefore experience the massive benefits that come with routine chiropractic adjustments.


“I’m not lazy, I am just on my energy saving mode.”

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